The Adventures of Sunsette -- Texas again y'all! - Feb. 27
(09-07-2017, 01:05 PM)fishy Wrote: Lol I can see it too. Sunsette would insist on being captain. I just know it.
Well of course she would. She'd insist no one else knows a cathead from a crosstree... I mean, she studies...! LOL

(09-20-2017, 06:25 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: beautiful photos, LOVE the Alice garden, I'm so sorry for all the problems you ladies had to endure (I giggled at your first "event" ....'the plane broke' !!
Ha... yeah, something about prop feathering; guess it was OK to fly but just not with passengers, since they actually took it off to another airport to fix it... here in Central Nowhere there were no parts or mechanics slash
The Alice thing was neat -- the flowers were everywhere, and made for some fantastic abstracts too, of which I could've shot these all night, but my friend was getting a little pooped out after walking around all day.

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Here's that same display after dark.

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Further to the Alice theme, not sure what the significance of the banner was, whether it was part of an event or just decor, but anyway, I think this is my favourite Cheshire cat that I've ever seen, and best captures, well, cat-ness.
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That cat looks just like a green version of my mischievous boy. smile

UGH I wish I'd gotten to see the Alice stuff! ;__; That's one of my favorite books.
I love that CC smile and the garden - OhMy as lovely as it is by day - night wins ! Gorgeous photo Heart 2
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(09-21-2017, 05:01 PM)fishy Wrote: UGH I wish I'd gotten to see the Alice stuff! ;__; That's one of my favorite books.
It looks like they might do it every summer? Or at least some other years. I went to look for videos of the conservatory and some were from past years. Maybe you will get there another time! smile

(09-21-2017, 06:31 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: I love that CC smile and the garden - OhMy as lovely as it is by day - night wins ! Gorgeous photo Heart 2
Thank you yay I could honestly shoot in there for DAYS.
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It's been a while. My dolly resolution for 2018 was to finally catch up on sorting all the photos I took over the summer.
Sunsette & Scarlett went on a hike with me... this was actually back in June and I finally sorted the pictures. blush I like to hike to this spot every year to observe my anniversary of coming here.

[Image: 25031763367_aac337646a_o.jpg]
"We're going on a hike! Yaaayy!"

[Image: 25031765467_4b29b9c381_o.jpg]
I like that we have fewer tourists than in years past. Had the path to ourselves.

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We stopped at the pond...

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Fun with treeees! grin
(This isn't actually a reflection in the pond; it's a handheld long-exposure zoom, hence the wavy lines. I kinda like the effect.)

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"I found sundews!"
Fewer of them than other years too, alas.

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With sundews come wet conditions.
"Look at all this mud. Just, NO."

[Image: 39192828104_8aedfafc23_o.jpg]
"We're here!"
Little dolls on the edge of big cliffs is scary.

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Little explorers, looking out to sea and dreaming.

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Rest time.

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[Image: 39192825494_9050e5ec60_o.jpg]
"Is this for meee?"

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"I guess some fans knew we were coming."

[Image: 26030456948_71e029a02d_o.jpg]
"I'm hungry. Can we eat now??"

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OK, whoever did it succeeded, but climbing down the undermined cliff to do that wasn't too bright and could've been a real PITA for rescuers.

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"Time to go back already?"

[Image: 25031770647_a759316c30_o.jpg]
"I don't think anyone's home."

[Image: 39192826434_0ef766ce87_o.jpg]
"These are me-sized!"

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Scarlett may have a budding interest in botany.
... XD

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We'd all like to have stayed for ... um, sunset... but didn't fancy hiking back in the dark. One year I'm gonna take a flashlight and do that.

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The anniversary hike requires ice cream for a proper conclusion.

Thanks for looking! smile
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Sundews? As in, CARNIVOROUS sundews? Growing wild?


What a fun adventure! Where is this amazing place?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
My precious wee redheads starring in a fun story Heart 2

That hike looks beautiful Allie. And that view - wow!

Favourite photos is even tougher than usual, although the one of rest time with them perched on your leg is adorable. I think the little explorers gazing out to sea is my fav, also Sunsette with her me sized flower & Scarlett with her budding .. LOL botany. They look so engaged and fascinated by everything. How do you do that ??

^^rhetorical smile Have skill is the answer.

Oh oh and the icecream - essential.

Thankyou for sharing this adventure <3
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
I wish I could go on a hike with you!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Adorable! Great photos.
Gorgeous photos, and a fun story!

(Don't tell Sunsette, but Scarlett may be my favorite... I love her questioning little expression!)
Thank you, everybody!! Heart I'm glad you liked the pictures. They are always so much fun to shoot. (Well, unless there are bugs, and then my attitude takes a definite downturn LOL )

(01-26-2018, 05:16 PM)davidd Wrote: Sundews? As in, CARNIVOROUS sundews? Growing wild?
Yep, really smile And, really, many fewer than there used to be along that path. Used to be easy to spot them; I had to hunt for these. The trail has major wet spots; the idjits on their ATVs turn it into a rutted mess, then people go around the ruts, widen the trail, the ATVs go wider, the trail gets even wider... and the growth along the edges gets destroyed sad We also have pitcher plants in a bog. They have cool flowers. East coast Canada... the climate sucks but we have cool plants...? LOL

(01-27-2018, 02:03 AM)TrueFan Wrote: I wish I could go on a hike with you!
Well, this would be a fun place for a dolly meetup... wink

(01-27-2018, 08:16 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: (Don't tell Sunsette, but Scarlett may be my favorite... I love her questioning little expression!)
Aw yay Scarlett has another fan. I think Sunsette won't mind. Scarlett has really cute eyebrows too; too bad you can never see them under her bangs.
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I think my favorite is that one of Scarlett studying the plant there at the end. Had to look up sundews because I'd never heard of them, but carnivorous plants fascinate me so it was cool to learn more about them!
What a great place to go hiking and for photos! Sunset's and Scarlet's red hair really makes them stand out in all the greenery.
For a moment I thought these are recent photos and I was very happy for you! I hope looking at warm summer day photos was comforting. If it were me I would be very of photographing such vibrant haired girls on a sunny day but you make it look easy. They fit the green , gray backdrop beautifully smile it feels like I came to the trip with you smile
Gorgeous pictures!! Can't wait till the weather gets warmer again.
The scenery is beautiful and what a fun way to spend the day hiking through the woods and along the shore. And having a yummy treat too! Tongue
Amelia (Ddalgi) Chelsea (Bloody Red Hood) Willow (Dahlia Cinderella) Cassidy (Neo Noir) Poppy (Kaela)

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