Fanatica, nude, hair never removed but not in the *best* condition but could be easily fixed.

Any ideas? =)

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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I merged your thread as this topic already existed.
Well I´d guess 150 - 200 $.
I bought my Fanatice NRFB some months ago for 350 $.
[Image: signatur.jpg]
She's been available on ebay a few times recently for $225 with wig and all stock. MIB and $250-$288 for NRFB
Any ideas on a price for nude Fanatica these days?
She's on her original body and mint!

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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I got mine for nude and bald on original type 2 for $125 plus shipping, but I've seen Fanatica's seeming to be not selling for $150 to $200 nude & minty atm.
I got mine with full stock, original body and wig (plus an extra wig) for 150$, but I still think it has been pure luck! *__*
She came nude and bald but with her complete stock and wig, I had to remove the extra wig, to glue on the stock wig, and to redress her (I only have to sew the key and the padlock charms on her armwarmer, since they came loose).
Face, body, stock wig, stock outfit (including the doll and everything), are all in great conditions.
applecandy mela. Get yours at
LOOKING FOR: nudeAlberich, Alberich eyechips, nude Asuka, nude Sol, nude Rayne, MIB or NRFB Lala, Suiseiseki & Souseiseki stock wigs, cheap Filato stock wig, MIB or NRFB Another Queen, nude AQ, nude Chelsea, nude Naomi, nude Haute LA, any Pullip head, any bloomers or petticoat or apron.
Please PM if you have to sell. XP Let's share Squiby click! Click here to see my fierce beasts. XD
Wow that really is pure luck, I doubt anyone will find a deal like that again XD

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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Yes, I still can't believe I have her! I was almost giving up even if I wanted her for so long time!
applecandy mela. Get yours at
LOOKING FOR: nudeAlberich, Alberich eyechips, nude Asuka, nude Sol, nude Rayne, MIB or NRFB Lala, Suiseiseki & Souseiseki stock wigs, cheap Filato stock wig, MIB or NRFB Another Queen, nude AQ, nude Chelsea, nude Naomi, nude Haute LA, any Pullip head, any bloomers or petticoat or apron.
Please PM if you have to sell. XP Let's share Squiby click! Click here to see my fierce beasts. XD

I have a Fanatica, opened few months ago, but I treated her hair, change her eyelashes, and I make her a recovery washing (she has black stains and scratches in her face, but is perfect now with MSC and gloss in her lips).
I can sell her with her original body (black stained from her stock...) or an obitsu SBH size M.

I can sell the stock too, is in perfect condition and complete.

How much you ask for her??
[Image: 3474274.png] [Image: 3474297.png] [Image: 3474307.png]
Bumping this since its been a while-

Anyone know what a nude Fanatica- no glaring faults, original wig that has been straightened and trimmed (looks a million times better I think)- is going for? I'm pondering selling mine to try to get funds to help pay bills, but only if I can get a good price for it...if not, I'd muuuuuch rather keep her.
I bought my Fanatica MIB for 250 USD. I thought that was pretty good

and papermoopixie id say like 120? or so. I just sold my Fantastic Alice in complete stock for 150 so I duno.

-BJDs : LM Harmony Chloe, Soom Galena, OR-doll Eris, Souldoll Madalyn, BC Bellezza Carla, La Légende de Temps Edria, nDoll Lovers Ver Yuko, Spiritdoll Blanc White Queen Heart Heart

-My flickr
Nude/bald I think she goes for around $120-150
Full stock is around $200
MIB is probably $220
NRFB maybe around $250+

It all depends on condition tbh.

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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How much would a fanatica be on an obitsu without stock and a new cancan wig? approx?

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