Mitsuwa Chicago April 13 2013
^seconding everything Byronic said, also I miss all of you.
Feedback!!My Flickr
If I forgot to leave you feedback, please let me know!

Eos : Delilah (Lunatic Queen) : Akoya : Onassis (Fiori) : Ayame (Sooni) : Berry (Hujoo Berry) : Monomono : Tragedy : Barley : Amelia : Eclipse
Well, hopefully those of you who can't make this meet will make it to PUDDLE!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
okay so just found out that the bf wont be joining me sad seems his cousin is having a Boy Scout meeting where he gets promoted to the one before an Eagle Scout - so he'll be going to that since is family and all - so it'll just be me - and because of that I'll most likely be taking the train from my sisters place on Damen - hopefully it wont take to long - I'll keep you all posted

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