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I wanted to tell a Tale of two wigs. Last week I had a customer receive a Blanche who's arm had broken in shipment. Anyway I opened another Blanche so I could send a replacement arm and decided to keep her and give her some loving care. I already have a MIB Blanche in my collection that I had not deboxed yet (I like the look of the dolls in the box so half of what I collect I keep sealed). So this gave me a chance to have one out of the box as well. Her face-up is absolutely adorable but her wig was a mess. There was hair falling out of all the thick curls so I decided to give her a Shampoo and conditioning as I do with a lot of the dolls I debox. Wow all I have to say was her wig was one of the worst monsters I have dealt with so fair. So many knots. It was terrible I spent about 2 hours combing and brushing and finally gave up and chopped an inch off the wig so I could brush the hair proper. Finally with brush-able hair I rinsed and let it dry. It was still quite messy so I put it up in pig tails and ended up happy with her look I thought it was cute but not perfect. I suspect I will get her a wig eventually.
Anyway today I decided to debox a Tiphona (After selling her Stock) and wow not only is her face-up beautiful but her hair was so soft and knot free. This time I took a slightly damp brush and brushed down any cowlicks and was done with her in 3 minutes.
What a huge difference in e

erience between the two girls.
Here is my two newest girls:
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Oh yes, wigs with ringlets are a horrible mess. I've learned that the hard way. But they are so gorgeous when they are new. D: Both your girls are lovely! I always loved Blanche. <3 And Tiphona is even prettier than the stock pictures.
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Wow, Tiphona's wig looks great even through the picture. I had such a disappointing e

erience with my first Pullip (Lunatic Queen) wig, then was pleasantly surprised with the next one (Mir). Still, I think it's rather disappointing that these are pretty e

ensive dolls yet most of us end up re-wigging them right away because the quality of the stock wigs tend to be so low.
I'm really loving your Tiphona!
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I agree with you Tiphona's wig is actually really soft ^^ ..
btw your photo is adorable and I love Tiphona's outfit

.. that top suits the LQ skirt nicely
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The top and tights are from Naomi I thought they went together well with the LQ skirt
(05-26-2011, 03:39 PM)chocoang3l Wrote: I agree with you Tiphona's wig is actually really soft ^^ ..
btw your photo is adorable and I love Tiphona's outfit
.. that top suits the LQ skirt nicely
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Very lovely! Whenever I see Blanche's with their stock wigs I always wish I hadn't given mine a new one! But her hair is just too much for me!
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I've heard (for SOME wigs, at least) that it's possible to put the wig into hair curlers and boil it to get ringlets- I think that CoolCat Collection (or was it GoodBlythe? it was some famous customization supply seller I was browsing via a link from their ebay) has a tutorial on their site? :? Since the wigs are all different, though, one would have to research it... But if someone wanted to get ringlets back in the hair, I think that might be the only way... Just thought I'd mention that, since I'd never thought of it until seeing their tutorial.
I have a Veritas stock wig that I finally just put into a braid for similar reasons: it was like an out-of-control hurricane (I later found out that her stock wig is often like that, which is why so many people resell them! ^^; Well, ya' live and ya' learn... It looks better braided anyway, though.) I haven't heard of anyone have problems with Tiphonia, so maybe they used something different for her wig- it seems like the general consensus is that her stock wig is great, despite the length. Good to have it confirmed.