Do you suffer from puffy eyes? Does your nose need cleansing?
Do you suffer from puffy eyes? Does your nose need cleansing? Try new hydrogel eye patches for eye puffiness and lemon tea tree nose cleansing strips!
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Suffering from puffy eyes? by TrueFan, on Flickr

You can have a beautiful complexion like mine!
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Suffering from puffy eyes? by TrueFan, on Flickr

In convenient pouches!
[Image: 24003873370_7924315492_z.jpg]
Suffering from puffy eyes? by TrueFan, on Flickr

Dana: What the what? I'm 13!
[Image: 23672661603_39b4a0d356_z.jpg]
What the what? by TrueFan, on Flickr

I saw these Korean cosmetics with Dal on the front and had to buy a couple!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
That is... bizarre. And really hilarious.
Well, I'm sold. Who wouldn't like a perfect complexion that's almost doll-like? LOL And Dana is precious! yay
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Oh my god I want some lmao.

Amazing. xD
#5 funny! I would have bought them too if I had seen them!
I passed on the ones in the brown box because they seemed to be made of snail....?
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Ah yes, snails, the perfect thing to put on your face to make you look youthful and beautiful.
Hahaha, oh wow, that certainly is interesting! (Poor snails though... LOL )
Amazing and adorable, I can't believe you found those! I wouldn't mind trying them, haha! (Might have to pass on the snail ones though...)
Looking for stands!
If I remember right, they only use the mucus that the snail secrete. It's supposedly super moisturizing and has some youth restoring properties.
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Whaaat....?? Hahaha!! LOL
I had never heard of these and had to look them up. I couldn't tell the difference in the before/after photos someone posted. Too bad. I need a new faceup Tongue Let us know if these ones make you look like the doll LOL
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(01-11-2016, 03:31 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Too bad. I need a new faceup Tongue

Ha! Best line ever!
I don't think that snail slime would work very well for beauty.

I mean, it hasn't done that much for the snails, has it? smile
Haha I should so pick those up just for the packaging, not that i need them but extra beauty is always appreciated.
(01-12-2016, 10:30 AM)fishy Wrote: I don't think that snail slime would work very well for beauty.

I mean, it hasn't done that much for the snails, has it? smile

I actually tried the eye patches last night. They felt nice and cool. Not sure they actually improved my eye puffiness.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.

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