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Full Version: davidd's A Doll A Day Challenge 2020
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The way he's looking at his arm says everything! This is such a brilliant photo!
16 February – A Doll A Day 2020:

[Image: sd10.jpg]

[Image: sd11.jpg]

[Image: sd12.jpg]

[Image: sd13.jpg]

[Image: sd14.jpg]

[Image: sd15.jpg]

[Image: sd16.jpg]

[Image: sd17.jpg]
Triv’s got a point. Many hands make light work.
This one must have taken ages to set up and photograph seeing as there’s a lot of different settings this time.

And Triv has the right idea about why they’re having a meeting to discuss things if it’s only the two of them
This was excellent! It all looks so real! They really seem to be struggling with the sofa! The other girls will be harder and harder to keep content if you don't introduce them to the story (or give them their own) soon...
Your posing is fantastic - you can really see the girls struggle with this couch and the levels of meta in the conversations... Yes, just... yes.
17 February – A Doll A Day 2020:

[Image: february17a.jpg]
"This operation has a low probability of success and a high likelihood of pain and permanent disfigurement, hasn't it?"

[Image: february17b.jpg]
"Well, what do you know? So far so good!"

[Image: february17c.jpg]
"Not exactly what I usually think of when I hear the phrase 'catch the brass ring.'"

[Image: february17d.jpg]
"I can't believe this is actually working!"

[Image: february17e.jpg]
"Full range of motion restored! More importantly... it doesn't fall off anymore!"

[Image: february17f.jpg]
"I've heard of brass knuckles, but never a brass elbow!"

[Image: february17g.jpg]
"Oh yeah! Flex it, baby! Flex that thang!"

The operation... was a success! Action Man is back in action!
"This operation has a low probability of success and a high likelihood of pain and disfigurement, doesn't it?"
"This operation has a low probability of success and a high likelihood of pain and disfigurement, doesn't it?"
Very impressive! Love how his ex.pression works perfectly in all of those shots smile
Oh, that is a brilliant fix! And he underwent the surgery without anything to knock him out? How impressive.
Yaaay! Congrats on successful surgery!
[Image: february18.jpg]
18 February – Doodle Tuesday

Gonna be Away From Keyboard... again... prolly for a week or so.

Photos will be taken on a daily basis for later uploading.
I'm picturing you going away in a hot air balloon, a la the wizard from The Wizard of Oz...
Safe travels, again.
I'm glad you were able to fix Action Man… That looks great. What a clever fix. And, what neon and werepuppy said about the posing of the smart dolls.
Lucky for him that you’re a Handy Man!
Have a safe balloon flight!